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How to install horizontal mounted corrugated wall panels?

When installing horizontally mounted corrugated wall panels, due to the construction time and the influence of the weather, its service life will also be affected. Next, I will explain to you how to install horizontally mounted corrugated wall panels to help you extend the service life of composite wall panels.

First of all, the installer must know the weather conditions in time before construction. If it encounters rain and snow, the construction must be stopped in advance. In bad weather conditions, construction cannot be carried out, this is a very basic maintenance principle. In addition, the construction personnel should understand some characteristics of the horizontally mounted corrugated wall panels, and pay attention to the details during the construction process to prevent unexpected situations.

horizontally mounted corrugated wall panel

Secondly, in the process of use, it is necessary to clean up the outer layer stains of the composite wallboard in time. The cleaning cycle should be short to ensure that the corrugated wallboard does not have accumulated stains. In a low temperature environment, the appearance will be more beautiful. At this time, it is necessary to avoid sharp objects touching the corrugated wallboard to prevent damage.

To sum up, as long as you pay attention to the points mentioned above during the installation and use of horizontally mounted corrugated wall panels, you can well guarantee the service life of corrugated wall panels.
